Turkey Trot!

unnamedHappy Thanksgiving, dear readers! Thank you for visiting my stop on the Turkey Trot! Speaking of Turkey Trot, a neighbor on my street is hosting our street’s first ever Trot this year. I’ve never been to one, so I’m super excited. We’ll be hanging out in her driveway with coffee and breakfast yummies, mingling with the neighbors, and then we’ll all go on a “Trot” around our 1-mi lake! It’ll be a great opportunity to get to know our neighbors better and usher in that sense of warmth and joy that the season brings 🙂

So my question to you is this…have you ever been to a real life Turkey Trot?? Tell me about it! Did you bring a dish? Was the trot everything you hoped it would be??


One lucky commenter will win e-copies of all 3 of my Regency Christmas novellas!


And make sure to visit the other blogs along the trot for more giveaways! Turkey Trot

Happy Thanksgiving!!

25 thoughts on “Turkey Trot!

  1. Valeri Dedich says:

    I have unfortunately (or fortunately?) Depending on how you would look at it. I am not a very physical peraon. I would rather curl up in my chair and read my book.

  2. sherry1969 says:

    No I haven’t been but it sounds interesting.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  3. Mary D. says:

    Around here Turkey Trots are more for the athletic types with 1 to 10K walks and runs, although you can just stroll along if you want to. I’m not sure if they have yummy treats, since I’ve never been to one. I like the sound of your trot better. 🙂

  4. Hahaha! Me too!! Treats and a casual walk with friends 🙂 lol

  5. I think so too! I’m excited 🙂

  6. Well, there’s nothing wrong with that!! LOL!

  7. Cynthia P says:

    Nope. I’m not the athletic type, though, so hardly surprising. Sign me up for those treats, though! blueirishmoon at hotmail dot com

  8. i have never been to one but it sounds like fun

  9. Wishing you a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving! 😉

  10. I haven’t but it sounds interesting.


  11. Bonnie Seavey says:

    No, I have never been to a real life Turkey Trot, in fact I have never heard the term before today. But I am enjoying this contest Trot.

    My husband and I are both in our late 60’s and disabled. But that doesn’t stop us as we both love to walk and most times it is outdoors at the local bike path along a local river but during bad weather we will even go to a local Wal-Mart or grocery store and walk around inside. We are looking forward to tomorrow as it is our first ever Thanksgiving Day by ourselves. Our two sons are grown and living away so we will cook together, and for the first time ever watch the parade on TV. I wish you all a very Happy, Healthy and Loving Thanksgiving.

  12. JeanMP says:

    No have never done a Turkey Trot, sounds like fun.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  13. dianegarland says:

    I’ve never been, but yours sounds like fun!

  14. Rachael Clemons says:

    No never I had never even heard of it before. rc12d@yahoo.com

  15. Rachael Clemons says:

    No I have never even heard of it before. rc12d@yahoo.com

  16. Rachael Clemons says:

    No I have never even heard of it before. rc12d@yahoo.com

  17. I hope you meet some awesome people during your real life trot! (You’re far braver than me. I have the hardest time around new people.)

    No need to enter me. I just stopped by to say hi. 🙂

  18. Monique Hall says:

    No, I’ve never been on one but it sounds like a great idea. I hope you have a wonderful time. Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. BookLady says:

    I have never been to a Turkey Trot. Happy Thanksgiving! bhometchko(at)hotmail(dot)com

  20. Linda Herold says:

    I have heard about Turkey Trots but have never been to one! Only “Hops”! Happy Thanksgiving! lindaherold999@gmail.com

  21. kaisquared4 says:

    They have several Turkey Trots around here from 5-10k to raise money for charities. I have seen some of the participants on TV but have never walked or run in one myself.
    emmasmom69 AT gmail DOT com

  22. Part of this Turkey Trot Blog Hop so thought I stop in and say hello. No, I have never participated in a neighborhood trot. However, it is too cold to do that here. You must live in a warmer climate. God bless.

  23. Jeannie Platt says:

    Never been on one but they do them up home a lot.

  24. Jeannie Platt says:

    forgot email.

  25. yes we have them here in mo lot i handmade 4 dox of cookies buckey ball apple pie devil egg and then 90 apple turn over for this meal

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