Kindle Unlimited: THE MATCHBAKER

I’m so excited to announce that THE MATCHBAKER is now on sale ONLY at Amazon as part of the KDP Select Program.This means that Prime Members get special pricing, and if you’re a member of the new Kindle Unlimited program, you can read it for FREE!

Click HERE to be taken directly to THE MATCHBAKER on Amazon!

What’s new??

It seems like I wait impatiently the whole year for this season to arrive and when it does I am never prepared! Life has a way of sneaking up on us like that, doesn’t it? Well, in all the commotion that this time of year brings, I feel I’ve neglected to bring you all my exciting news! So, here we go…

1. The Robber Bride is now an audiobook! And I can’t tell you how much I LOVE my narrator! She really embodied the spirit and intrigue of this story and of Victoria. As many of you may know, Victoria is my most favoritest (yes, I know it’s not a word!) character that I’ve ever written, so it was really, really important to me that the narrator capture everything I love about her and about this book. The lovely Stevie Zimmerman did not disappoint!

Robber Bride Audio








Get it at Amazon, Audible or iTunes

2. My Wetherby Brides short stories got a makeover! I am absolutely IN LOVE with this cover…I think it represents the stories inside to a tee. What do you think? Plus, the stunning Sherril Turner is hard at work bringing these stories to life in audiobook! Look for it by Christmas 🙂

Wetherby Brides Shorts








3. Speaking of makeovers…The Matchbaker got a makeover too! Have you seen it? Thank you to my dear friend and cover designer, Lily Smith of Covers by Lily! And BONUS…the audiobook should be out just in time for Christmas!! And it features one of my oldest and dearest friends, Bianca Bryan, as the narrator. She’s a phenomenal actress and voiceover artist, and I’m so, so lucky to have her reading this book for me. Just WAIT till you hear it! 🙂

TM New Cover









4. I still have some Wetherby Brides totes to give away! Sign up for my newsletter and you’ll automatically be entered to win one! Just visit my website – the sign-up form is right there on the first page 🙂

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5. I know I’ve talked about it before, but it bears repeating…The Gentlemen’s Pact anthologies are on sale NOW, and they are a big hit! They’ve hit the Regency Top 100 chart at Amazon and they haven’t even been out two whole weeks yet! And the 4/5-star reviews are rolling in. Don’t miss out on this lovely collection of sweet Regency Christmas novellas!

A Pact Between Gentlemen
A Gentlemen’s Pact









Also available at iTunes & Barnes&Noble

6. And last, but certainly not least…I have finally created a printable book list! All of my books are listed here, along with their series names, and what formats you can find all of them in! Printable Book List

Well, I think that about covers it for now! I hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season, gearing up for a Turkey Day filled with love and lots of good food! I’ll be back next week to share my must-haves for Thanksgiving dinner! 🙂

Sales Galore!

There are all kinds of fun and exciting sales going on in my world right now! Here’s the list so you can go forth and load your e-readers!
All six books = less than $5!!!

I’m running a limited time sale on the Daring Debutantes Boxed Set!! All THREE novellas for $0.99!!


A Gentleman Never Tells and More than a Governess (Wetherby Brides books 1 and 2!) are still  $0.99 at Amazon!
Get them quick before they jump back up to regular price — I have no idea how long this will last!


The Matchbaker is half price at All Romance eBooks through Monday!




The Matchbaker…Five Fun Facts :)

TM_200x300So, my first review of The Matchbaker came out the other day (it was great and she gave it 4 stars! Yay!) and the reviewer said there hadn’t been a lot of buzz around the book, so she didn’t know what she was getting into.

I was like, “Whaaaaa?” because this is the most buzzing I’ve ever done about a book! LOL!

But I guess with Regency Romance, you almost always know what you’re getting into, at least a little, so even if I didn’t “buzz,” people knew what to expect.

So, since there hasn’t been a lot of buzz and maybe people are wondering, “What the heck is this book??” here are five fun facts about the making of The Matchbaker…

Fun Fact #1 — In the opening chapter, Candy’s BFF drags her to meet with a fortune teller in Paris named Madame Antoinette. What you all might find interesting is that Madame Antoinette is real! She’s not French, and she doesn’t wear gawdy gypsy-style clothing, but she is a good friend of mine, who, by the way, does not know she inspired a character in my book. I suppose I should tell her before I post this 🙂

Fun Fact #2 — Madame Antoinette predicts that Candy will meet a handsome stranger in the fall and fall in love. This really happened. My own Antoinette (or Toni, as we call her) gave me a reading years ago. I was still with my ex-boyfriend, but she told me we wouldn’t be together forever. I was sure we were going to get married, so I thought she was totally heinous. She went on to say it was someone I already knew. Ha! I didn’t know anyone that I was even remotely interested in (shhhh…don’t tell my husband). So fast forward about 9 months to that fall, and lo and behold, I started to fall in love with one of my classmates…whom I had known for several years already. We’ve been together almost 13 years 🙂 (To get in touch with Toni for your own reading, visit

Fun Fact #3 — The Mac & Cheese Candy eats on her date is based on my all-time favorite Mac & Cheese from a place in Jersey City, NJ called Amelia’s. It. Is. Heavenly.

Fun Fact #4 — A certain character talks about having moved to Florida to a seaside town. That town is called Stuart and the coffee shop he worked in was the Stuart Coffee Company. It’s an adorable town, with lots of character, that we love to visit on a nice weekend afternoon.

Fun Fact #5 — Candy mentions her spin studio in Manhattan briefly (though there used to be a whole scene with her spin class). That spin studio is called Soul Cycle. My hubby set up their computers years ago, and a friend from college is an instructor there now. It is THE place to spin if you live in Manhattan!

So there you have it…buzz! I’ll be creating more buzz as we countdown to the release of The Matchbaker! If you own a Nook, you can already get it for pre-order. If not, you have to wait till August 27th! Mark your calendars!

And if you haven’t signed up for the HUGE GIVEAWAY, go NOW!

The Matchbaker: Sweepstakes!

ImageWe’re getting closer, people!! The Matchbaker will hit virtual shelves in just 3 weeks and 1 day! I can hardly wait!

But in the meantime, I have something exciting for YOU, dear readers!

I’m running a sweepstakes, and if you enter, you could win a $100 Gift Card to That’s right! I said $100!

All you have to do is LIKE my Facebook page and then sign up for my newsletter. My amazing hubby has made it super easy for you to enter. Just click this LINK and you can do everything in one fell swoop.

There are two cool things to remember:

1) You can enter ONCE A DAY!!


2) If you REFER A FRIEND, you get more entries in the giveaway!

And the bonus is that through my newsletter, you’ll get exclusive sneak peaks at recipes and extra content! So follow the LINK and enter today!!

Getting to Know…THE MATCHBAKER

TM_667x1000My dear friend and crit partner, Julie Johnstone, tagged me in a blog hop and only after I’d filled out this entire thing did I realize it was supposed to be for a Regency novel. So, I’ll do another tomorrow, but for now…here are some fun facts about my upcoming release, The Matchbaker…

1: What is the working title of your book? The Matchbaker

2: Where did the idea come from for the book? Dagnabit, it’s been so long, I can’t remember exactly! Cupcakes and magic are two things I’ve always loved, so it’s not that surprising 🙂
3: What genre does your book come under? ChickLit (or Women’s Humorous Fiction, to be PC)

4: Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? Rachel McAdams as Candy, Candace Accola as Holly, Ryan Reynolds as Joe and James Marsden as Colin

5: What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? Just when Candace Cooper is on her way to being a hot shot executive, her life takes a drastic and unexpected shift from NYC back to her sleepy hometown of Sagehaven, CT, where she’s forced to trade in her Manolos for an apron and succumb to a generations-old curse.

6: Is your book self-published, published by an independent publisher, or represented by an agency? Pubbed under the Night Shift umbrella.

7: How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? Phew! 3+ years, off and on!

8: What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? I’d *like* to compare it to Sophie Kinsella’s novels, though I, of course, bow to the Queen of Chick Lit, and pray that this book is at least half as good as hers.
9: Who or what inspired you to write this book? Cupcakes and Magic! Didn’t I already answer this?

10: What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest? It’s hilarious. At least, my hubby and I think it is. And it’s got magic. Oh, and cupcake recipes! I’ve got several bakers/bakeries contributing very special recipes for the book so you can bake along with Candy!

Here’s an excerpt:

Holly and Colin are sharing a good laugh now. How nice. I smile, trying to be a good sport, but really, this isn’t helping at all. Considering I’m going to be the primary baker at Candy’s Confections, I don’t find this memory particularly amusing. It’s frightening, actually. What were my parents thinking?

What am I thinking?

Once they calm down, Colin takes another sip of his drink, and then turns to me. “So, I assume you’ve learned to bake since then, right?”

They’re both staring at me, so I force a little laugh and say, “Sure! I mean, it can’t be that hard, can it? It’s not like I’m a mindless teenager anymore, anyway. I’m sure I can follow recipes a lot better than I used to be able to.”

Colin raises his eyebrows. “You mean, you don’t actually know how to bake now?”

I roll my eyes, trying to play it off. “Well…not in so many words, but it’ll be fine.”

“If you don’t know how to bake, then why are they insisting you…bake?” Colin looks just as confused as I feel right now.

I want to answer him honestly, but if I start talking about the change he’ll probably try to have me committed. I’m considering that option myself. At least it would get me out of all this.

I fish for another reason, but my mind is blank.

“Because she’s the oldest!” Holly puts in and I can see by her smile that she’s proud of her fast thinking. “It’s family tradition, apparently. So Candy just has to learn.”

Happy 4th of July Week!

download-1Well, folks, I’m off to a week at Disney World. Yes, I know it’s July. And yes, I know I’m a passholder who can go to Disney whenever I want, anytime of the year. BUT, my family can’t, and they want to do Disney with us. SO, we’re meeting my sis, bro-in-law, nephew and nephew-in-law (not sure what else to call him) in Orlando, in the dead of summer, renting a house and doing 4 parks in 7 days. We’re calling it The DysFUNctional Family Vacation (see hat, pictured left)

So, I’ll leave you with this…I have a fun Pinterest Board called Star Spangled Fun, filled with all kinds of fun things to make or eat or do this week. Come on over and have a look-see! STAR SPANGLED FUN

And while you’re at it, hop over to my website and JOIN MY MAILING LIST!! The Matchbaker is coming out soon and you do NOT want to miss the updates, contests, giveaways, etc… that will be for subscribers ONLY!

And, of course, I hope you all have a safe and fun holiday week!


Okay, people…this has been a LONG time coming! I started this book several years ago, but my Regency novels had to take precedence as I had series to finish up and fans demanding that I do so quickly. BUT, this book is the book of my heart. Well, my heart and my funny bone 😉 Now I’m SO close to finishing it, and THIS is my new motivation. Thank you a million times to LFD Designs for Authors for creating this amazingly sassy and whimsical cover for my first full-length chicklit novel! I can’t wait till this book hits the shelves. To stay abreast of the release date plus all kinds of other fun stuff surrounding THE MATCHBAKER, head over to my website and join my mailing list!

And without further ado, here it is…
